


The Call of Saint Clare

As a young woman, St. Clare of Assisi became an ardent follower of St. Francis. Under the mentorship of St. Francis, she founded the Second Franciscan Order, the Poor Clares. at San Damiano, the place where St. Francis first heard Christ's call to him to "Go, rebuild My Church!" Sister Marie Benedict shares the dramatic story of the beginning of young Clare's vocation.

October 29th, 2020|

Reflections on St. Francis of Assisi – Francis Renounces His Father

The famous account of Francis' encounter with his father and the bishop is presented by Sister Marie Benedict Elliott. This event marked a radical change in Francis' life as he dispossessed the benefits of being a son of a wealthy merchant and committed his life to serve his heavenly Father through a life of poverty.

October 19th, 2020|

Reflections on St. Francis of Assisi

MERIDEN, CT (October 2020) - St. Francis of Assisi could easily be named "the people's favorite saint." On October 3, all Franciscans remember his death, his "transitus" with special services that commemorate the blessings he gave to his Brothers, St. Clare and her Sisters, and all his followers. The next day, St. Francis Day, October 4 is a major feast day for Franciscans and for the Church. Masses are offered in remembrance of him who renewed religious life and who upset the norms of the 13th century by [...]

October 7th, 2020|

Sisters profess perpetual vows

MERIDEN, CT (08-23-2020) - The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist joyfully welcomed Sister Mary Kolbe Heffern, FSE and Sister Faith Marie Woolsey, FSE as perpetual members of the Community on Sunday, August 23, 2020. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of Hartford, celebrated the Mass of Religious Profession in the Chapel of St. John, assisted by Reverend Matthew Gworek, Master of Ceremonies. Deacon Ryan Eggenberger of the Archdiocese of Detroit proclaimed the Gospel. The Sisters pronounced their final vows in the presence of the [...]

August 24th, 2020|
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