St. Clare of Assisi, Franciscan Woman
MERIDEN, CT (08-11-2020) - On August 11, the Church and all Franciscans around the world celebrate the feast day of St. Clare of Assisi. We call to mind some of the images Pope Alexander used to describe St. Clare in the document of her canonization in 1255.
Summer experiences for children
MERIDEN, CT (07-13-2020) -The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist successfully finished their first week of summer experiences for children and look ahead to the next session. The goal of these outreaches is to create a positive space for children and youth to encounter nature, each other and themselves.The campus in Meriden was filled with the sound of laughter as children explored the gardens, fields and animal enclosures. The Sisters worked hard to make it just as fun and exciting as previous years while upholding important health precautions. Handwashing was [...]
Mary Irvine enters novitiate
Mary Irvine presents her request to enter novitiate to Mother Miriam Seiferman, Mother General. Mary enters the chapel after being clothed in the habit and veil. She is holding her postulant medal which she will present back to Mother Miriam. MERIDEN, CT (06-24-2020) - Mother Miriam Seiferman, Mother General, received Mary Irvine into novitiate in a private Community ceremony in the Chapel of St. John on the solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist. After Mary presented her request to [...]
Laudato si’ – caring for creation
This past May, Pope Francis called for a year celebrating the message of Laudato si’: On the Care of Our Common Home. This special year is observed from May 24, 2020 to May 24, 2021 and is promoted by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Our Holy Father urges us to take care of our brothers and sisters worldwide and to work with them in solidarity. He also emphasizes the need to care for Creation as a gift from the Father and to take responsibility for our [...]
Two doctoral health care Sisters earn theology degrees
Sister Michaela Serpa, FSE and Sister Faith Marie Woolsey, FSE recently completed studies for Masters degrees in Theology at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. Sister Michaela earned a Master of Arts degree in Theology with a concentration in Bioethics. This degree adds a theological perspective to her professional training as a doctor of pharmacy. Sister Michaela serves as a pharmacy supervisor at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. She received her doctoral degree from Idaho State University. Sister Faith Marie's Masters [...]
Easter Greetings!
As we all join together in experiencing a most unusual Holy Week and Easter, we assure our many friends that we maintain a spiritual closeness to you through our prayers for you. We unite with Pope Francis in his prayer and concern for the whole world and we hold in our hearts the intentions of our loved ones. May the joy of Easter be our bond of union as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection, the most miraculous event of all time. In the words of St. Francis of Assisi: [...]