Praying with Pope Francis for the world in the midst of the pandemic
The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist join our Holy Father Pope Francis in prayer today on the Solemnity of the Annunciation for all those affected by the coronavirus. Pope Francis' prayer: “As trustful children we turn to the Father. We do it every day, several times a day; but right now we wish to beg mercy for mankind, so sorely tried by the coronavirus pandemic. And we do this together, Christians of every Church and Community, of every tradition, of every age, language and nation. We pray for [...]
Christmas Blessings!
May you all have a joyful, inspiring and loving Christmas season! The Community offers prayer in gratitude for you, our families, friends and collaborators, and the blessings you have bestowed upon us through your relationship.
Sister Patricia Glass receives Archdiocesan Pro-Life Award
HARTFORD, CT (10-06-2019) - Sister Patricia Glass, FSE was honored during the Annual Archdiocese of Hartford Respect Life Mass on October 6, 2019, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. Archbishop Leonard P. Blair bestowed the Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Pro-Life Award on Sister Patricia and three other pro-life advocates who were selected for the award for their exemplary dedication to the Church's teachings on the dignity of human life. In his homily, Archbishop Blair gratefully acknowledged the efforts of all the pro-life advocates [...]
Sisters Celebrate Jubilees
MERIDEN, CT (07-07-2019) - During the annual July meeting of the perpetually professed Sisters, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist honored ten Sisters on their 70th, 60th and 50th anniversaries of vows. During the Eucharistic liturgy, celebrated by the Very Reverend Douglas Mosey, CSB, the Sisters renewed their vows and received blessings from Mother Miriam Seiferman, Mother General; Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Co-foundress; and Father Mosey in the name of the Church. The Community sang the Blessing of St. Francis for the jubilarians. The honored Sisters are Sister Bernice [...]
Bridgeport Seminarians Retreat
The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist and Franciscan Brothers of the Eucharist hosted the seminarians of the Diocese of Bridgeport for a week-long retreat at the motherhouse in Meriden, CT. Father Connaughton, Vocation Director of Bridgeport, was with the seminarians throughout the week. True to Franciscan spirituality the retreat incorporated prayer and work on the land as a way to build bonds of community with each other and with God. Work projects included care and maintenance of homes for the elderly, clearing brush and fallen trees, and helping [...]
Mass and Blessing celebrate Mother Foundress and Formation House
MERIDEN, CT (06-23-2019) - The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ focused on two sacred events for the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. A Mass in commemoration of the third death anniversary of Mother Rosemae Pender, FSE, Mother Foundress, was celebrated by the Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, S.T.D., Archbishop of Hartford, at the John Lateran Center of Formation. Following the Mass, the Blessing of the renovated original structure and the 13-bedroom new addition of the John Lateran Center marked an historic day of completion for [...]