MERIDEN/CHESHIRE, CT (10-09-2022) – The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist in collaboration with the Cheshire Police Department hosted a neighborhood social hour and prayer vigil at the Franciscan Life Center campus on the National Faith & Blue Weekend. Faith & Blue is a national organization dedicated to facilitating positive relationships among law enforcement professionals and local residents, businesses and community groups through the connections of faith-based organizations.

Sister Barbara Johnson, FSE, Executive Director of Franciscan Life Center worked with Chief of Police Neil Dryfe, Sergeant Tracy Gonzalez and Officer Alex Wells to plan the event. The participants visited on the patio of the Chapel of St. John while enjoying beverages and chocolate chip cookies made by the Sisters. The group then moved to the chapel for the prayer service. Sister Barbara welcomed everyone and extended the Community’s gratitude to the Cheshire Police Department for their faithful service. She introduced Chief Dryfe who spoke of the importance of the Faith & Blue initiative and his appreciation of the local community for their support. The service included patriotic hymns, Scripture readings and prayers of intercession. The Sisters sang the Blessing of St. Francis for all present and in particular for the police force. All sang God Bless America to conclude the prayer hour.

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