MERIDEN, CT (05-14-2017) – Sister Jeanne d’Arc Paquette professed her first vows of chastity, poverty and obedience for three years during Mass on Sunday, May 14th in the Chapel of St. John. Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General, received the vows and in light of the day’s celebration of Mothers’ Day, encouraged Sister Jeanne d’Arc to continue her growth in the maternal aspects of her call as a religious woman. The professed Sisters renewed their vows in affirmation of the life of vowed commitment Sister Jeanne d’Arc is choosing to live. Mother Miriam Seiferman, Vicar General, replaced Sister Jeanne d’Arc’s plain cincture with a knotted cincture where the three knots represent the three vows, a Franciscan tradition. She then presented the medal of the Community to Sister with a blessing, followed by blessings by Reverend David Daly, L.C., celebrant, and by Mother Shaun who also gave Sister Jeanne d’Arc her personal copy of the Constitutions and Customs.
Sister Jeanne d’Arc has been working part-time as an art teacher at St. Bridget School, Cheshire, Connecticut, during her second year of novitiate.