MERIDEN, CT (04-02-2023) – This winter the Sisters at the motherhouse adopted a lamb that had been abandoned, and they became attached to Ruth right away.
Ruth is helping the Community enter into Holy Week by being an example of “meekness, innocence, dedication, tenderness.” In these days leading up to Easter we are reflecting on Pope Francis’s address on February 15. The Holy Father exhorts us to live as apostles and missionaries who were sent as lambs among wolves.

Ruth joined in the Palm Sunday procession and exemplified the qualities Pope Francis encourages us to develop.
“[Jesus] says this: ‘I send you out as sheep among wolves’ (v. 16). He does not ask us to be able to face the wolves, that is, to be able to argue, to offer counter arguments, and to defend ourselves. No, no… Be humble. He asks us to be like this, to be meek and with the will to be innocent, to be disposed to sacrifice; this is what the lamb represents: meekness, innocence, dedication, tenderness.” Pope Francis