Sister Christianna Hamman, Sister Mary Kolbe Heffern, Sister Francesca Silver and Sister Faith Marie Woolsey move furniture into the dining room.
LEWISTON, ME (07-23-2021) – The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist received a hearty welcome when their cars and box truck arrived in Lewiston on July 5 for their move into the St. Croix Parish convent. Priests, religious women and lay faithful were on hand to unload the truck, clean rooms, pick up donated beds and chapel items, move furniture and prepare the house for the Sisters. A crew of eight Sisters from the motherhouse accompanied Sister Christianna Hamman and Sister Francesca Silver as the two Sisters begin the new mission in Maine. The next morning, Father Seamus Griesbach offered Mass and reserved the Blessed Sacrament in the newly set up convent chapel.
As newcomers to Lewiston, the Sisters continue to experience the friendliness and wholeheartedness of parishioners and are enthused about this new mission.
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