Sister Patricia Glass, FSE

Sister Patricia Glass, FSE celebrated 60 years of vowed religious life in the summer of 2019. All of those years have been filled with adventure for this now-seasoned religious woman. She spent several years as a 1st and 2nd grade teacher, thoroughly enjoying the little ones under her care. She obtained a pilot’s license to fly small aircraft. She graduated with honors from funeral directing and embalming school, and became licensed in four states to care for her Sisters in death. She co-directed pilgrimages to Assisi and Rome, Fatima and Lourdes. She was granted a Masters degree in Theology with a focus on Church History and can gladly share intriguing stories of popes, martyrs and founders of religious orders around the world. In 2019, she was awarded the St. Gianna-Beretta Molla Pro-Life medal by Archbishop Leonard P. Blair of the Archdiocese of Hartford for her dedication to the mission of pro-life.
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Since 1991, Sister Patricia has been the Land Master for the Franciscan Community Service-based Land Program at the motherhouse in Meriden, Connecticut. In this capacity, she directs and oversees the daily work of Land Program participants. The Land Program is a volunteer project for young adults who help with the upkeep, beautification and seasonal care of the land where the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist live. Land Program women and men reside respectively with the Franciscan Sisters and Franciscan Brothers and work during the day with Sister Patricia. During their time in Land Program, participants learn new skills in gardening, planting, weeding, harvesting, painting, building, repairing and a myriad of other life skills focused on relating in a community setting. They attend Mass and daily prayer with the Sisters and Brothers and classes on Church documents. All of their varied activities are underscored by Franciscan spirituality.
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Sister Patricia has supervised 160 young men and women from USA, Canada, Italy, Philippines, Viet Nam, Guam and Brazil since the beginning of the program in 1991. Some have stayed for a year or two, others for several months. Graduates contact Sister Patricia years later to thank her for her influence on their lives as they entered into marriage, the priesthood, religious life or professional careers.
This past year, one of her land workers wrote a poem describing the wise and witty Sister Patricia. The Community of Sisters affirmed its accuracy and are pleased to share this word-portrait of a beloved Sister.
My Wise Friend
by Paulina Hoeing
Her forehead bronzed from sunny skies
Her eyes a piercing blue
Her face reveals thoughts deep as lakes;
When young, such things she knew
Her voice is hardy, strong, and firm
Her eyebrows sometimes wrinkle
But cheery cheeks reveal sweet thoughts,
And her eyes a constant twinkle
White wispy hair, it crowns her head
And her veil floats in the breeze
As overhead birds chirp and sing
She stoops down to her knees
Stories and tales and wise words flow
From her serious, gentle face
And listening there while she plants and weeds
Time’s gone without a trace
And when she laughs her deep, strong laugh
It travels far and wide
Bright blue eyes dance up to the clouds
Her hands on her heart and her side
And there she plants and waters and weeds
Each hot summer day long
As her heart with the birds continues to play
To God its glorious song.