Sister Clare Hunter, FSE renews her vows during the jubilee Mass honoring her 25 years of vowed religious life.
MERIDEN, CT – The Franciscan motherhouse Chapel of St. John was the setting for a jubilee Mass celebrating the 25th anniversary of vows of Sister Clare Hunter, FSE on Sunday, July 18. Mother Miriam Seiferman, FSE, Mother General, received Sister Clare’s renewal of vows during the Mass. Mother Barbara Johnson, FSE, Vicar General, and Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Co-foundress, each blessed Sister Clare, after which all of the Sisters renewed their vows.
Sister Clare’s parents, Janice and David Hunter of Cheshire, Connecticut, were seated with Sister Clare. The Very Reverend Paul Scalia, Diocese of Arlington, was the celebrant. Concelebrants were Reverend Daniel Hanley, Diocese of Arlington; Reverend Douglas Mosey, Congregation of St. Basil; Reverend Jeffrey Romans, pastor of St. Bridget of Sweden Parish, Cheshire; and Reverend John Paul Walker, OP, pastor of St. Mary Parish, New Haven.
Following the Mass, a reception was held for all present. Later in the evening, the Franciscan Sisters hosted a private picnic for the family and out-of-state guests.
Sister Clare lives with her Franciscan Community and is Assistant Professor of Fundamental Theology at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, Florida. During her 25 years of vowed life, Sister Clare’s missions have included teaching at St. Paul High School in Bristol, Connecticut, campus ministry at University of St. Thomas, Houston; directing the Respect Life Office, Diocese of Arlington; and teaching in Burlington, Vermont.
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