MERIDEN, CT (05-07-2022) – Sister Mary Anne Linder, FSE was honored by Holy Apostles College and Seminary at the Sixty-fourth Commencement Exercises held at the college campus in Cromwell, Connecticut, as she received the Service Award for her 24 years as a faculty member. In absentia, Sister Mary Elizabeth Endee, FSE, received the Service Award plaque for Sister Mary Anne. The citation from Holy Apostles College and Seminary was read as follows:
Sister Mary Anne Linder, F.S.E.
Born in Iowa to the late George and Louise Linder, Sister Mary Anne Linder is the oldest child of 7 siblings. Growing up on a large farm, she became accustomed to sharing in the family chores of both gardening and animal husbandry. All of these skills would become quite valuable as she entered the Pontifical religious order of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist (F.S.E.); she continues to live the F.S.E. mission “to restore the sense of the sacred” in their community in Meriden, CT. Sr. Mary Anne is currently pledged with supporting the education of the F.S.E. novices and postulants.
Sr. Mary Anne earned her B.A. degree from Mundelein College. She furthered her education with earning her M.Ed. from Wayne State University and an M.T.S. from the John Paul II Institute, Washington, DC. As a life-long learner, she continued to pursue additional theology courses at Holy Apostles College and Seminary (HACS).
Prior to joining the faculty at Holy Apostles, Sr. Mary Anne was the Director of the Curtis Home for the Aged and had various roles in health care, as a Certified Home Health Aide for the aged, including with Franciscan Home Care and West Hill Convalescent Home.
Sr. Mary Anne is also known for her love of music where she participated in the Meriden Oratorio Chorus and was the Foundress and Director of the Canticle Singers of the Franciscan Life Center. Her lovely voice filled the chapel on numerous occasions.
Sr. Mary Anne joyfully worked at Holy Apostles as an Associate Professor of Catechesis for 24 years. Her enthusiastic ministry included serving as Director of Field Education, a member of the Seminary Formation Team, teaching catechesis, humanities, pastoral theology courses, and beautifying the campus, especially our gardens. Sr. Mary Anne has a heart for Catholic education and an ability to bring seekers to it. She was a major contributor to forming and teaching in the undergraduate program with particular sensitivity to seminarians, sisters, and lay students who were new to college or seminary study. She mentored both faculty and students throughout their years at HACS. She was very attentive to ESL issues, welcoming and nurturing the ESL students, especially helping the new groups of sisters adapt to the school and the United States. She tirelessly and consistently worked throughout the years to maintain the success and high standards of the school.
On a very personal note, Father Kucer remembers in 1996 of taking a bus down from Middlebury College, Vermont, to HACS for a visit. He attended an evening class and went away surprised to see this class being taught by a joyful sister dressed in a brown habit. He had not thought of correlating these three realities: sister in a habit, teaching and joy. Encountering the integration of these three realities among others – especially grace – moved – moved Fr. Kucer to apply to HACS as an unsponsored seminarian. After Fr. Kucer graduated from Middlebury College he was accepted by HACS as an unsponsored seminarian. Fr. Kucer credits his meeting Sr. Mary Anne as the Holy Spirit guiding him to HACS.
A similar sentiment is expressed by Dr. Angelyn Arden, a Professor of Humanities and Psychology, acknowledging Sr. Mary Anne serving a crucial role in her becoming a professor at HACS. She credited her meetings with Sr. Mary Anne, as they discussed a contemplative text, as the impetus to being called by the Holy Spirit to the faculty of Holy Apostles, in 2006.
For her faithful dedication to the Church, her self-giving service to community outreach, and her work in fostering the mission and values of our campus,
Holy Apostles College and Seminary proudly and gratefully bestows the
Service Award
Sister Mary Anne Linder, F.S.E.