MERIDEN, CT (02-12-2023) – Sister Mary Christa Tumanon took a next step in her formation process as she professed first vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in the presence of the motherhouse community during Mass in the Chapel of St. John. Mother Miriam Seiferman, FSE, Mother General, received Sister’s vows. Sister Mary Christa’s request for vows expressed sincerity and purity of motive to live the vows in community. Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Co-foundress, and Sister Maria Sena, FSE, formator, were the official witnesses. Father Christopher O’Connor, LC, celebrated the Mass and blessed the cincture of three knots and FSE medal before they were presented to Sister Mary Christa by Mother Barbara Johnson, FSE, Vicar General. Mother Miriam, Mother Barbara, Mother Shaun and Father O’Connor gave Sister Mary Christa special blessings after which the Community of Sisters and Brothers sang the Blessing of St. Francis for her.
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