MERIDEN, CT (08-23-2020) – The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist joyfully welcomed Sister Mary Kolbe Heffern, FSE and Sister Faith Marie Woolsey, FSE as perpetual members of the Community on Sunday, August 23, 2020. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of Hartford, celebrated the Mass of Religious Profession in the Chapel of St. John, assisted by Reverend Matthew Gworek, Master of Ceremonies. Deacon Ryan Eggenberger of the Archdiocese of Detroit proclaimed the Gospel.
The Sisters pronounced their final vows in the presence of the Community of Sisters and Brothers and representatives of the two Sisters’ families. Held within the limits of the State and Archdiocesan guidelines for gatherings, the simplicity of the liturgy served to highlight in a different way, the essential act that was taking place. Cantors Sister Marie Benedict Elliott and Sister Mary Mercy Lee and Organist Sister Mary Rose Irvine provided the familiar hymns as the Community sang silently in their hearts.
Sister Mary Kolbe from Houston, Texas, is the daughter of Dan and Diana Heffern. She is a graduate of the University of St. Thomas and Holy Apostles College and Seminary. Currently she teaches art and Spanish at Catholic Academy of Waterbury in Waterbury, Connecticut and is pursuing a diploma in AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) Elementary.
Sister Faith Marie is from Jackson, Michigan. Her parents are Michael and Ellen Woolsey. Sister Faith Marie is a physical therapist at Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care in Meriden. She received her degrees from Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids and Holy Apostles College and Seminary.