MERIDEN, CT (04-22-2018) – Sister Joanne Schatzlein, OSF engaged a crowd of 70 religious and lay men and women in reflecting on the early documents of St. Francis of Assisi and his followers. The conference, held on April 21, 2018, at the Franciscan Sisters’ Finch Avenue campus, was praised by attendees who enthusiastically responded to Sister Joanne’s depth of knowledge and radiant spirit. The “Sources that Reveal the Person of St. Francis of Assisi” talks focused on who St. Francis is, as revealed in his original writings and those of his biographers.
Sister Joanne is a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi in St. Francis, Wisconsin, near Milwaukee. A Franciscan scholar, Sister has led numerous pilgrimages to Assisi in the past years and is a much-sought-after presenter for religious congregations and lay groups in the United States.