MERIDEN, CT (08-23-2022) – Swiss Guard Lt. Urs Breitenmoser, himself a basketball player, was enthused when he met the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist at the Vatican and found out that their motherhouse is in Connecticut USA, the “Home of the Huskies.” He is an ardent follower of UConn Coach Jim Calhoun and the Huskies team. Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General at the time, and a good friend of the coach, shared Urs’ interest with the coach, so on her next visit to Rome, she met with Urs and presented him a UConn jersey as a gift from Coach Calhoun. The Swiss Guard, in turn, sent a jersey of the Swiss Guards Basketball team back for Coach Calhoun. Urs faithfully followed the Huskies and watched as many games as he could through the seasons.
This summer, Urs’ hope of one day meeting the famous Connecticut coach, was fulfilled – again, through the friendship of Mother Shaun. “Jim was very happy to drive back to West Hartford from his vacation in Rhode Island early one day to meet Urs,” Mother Shaun shared. They spent about an hour together, joined by Mother Shaun, Mother Miriam Seiferman and Sister Judith Zoebelein. The coach toured the group through the sports facilities and his office at the University of St. Joseph, West Hartford, where he is the men’s head basketball coach.

Mother Shaun and Urs holding their signed basketballs from Coach Jim Calhoun.
The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist welcomed Urs, his wife Roseangela and daughters Sara and Matina to the motherhouse to meet the Community and to share an All-American dinner of hamburgers and hotdogs. “Our time together was very meaningful as we learned more about the mission of the Swiss Guards and the intensity of dedication required of them to protect the Holy Father,” Sister Mary Richards commented. Urs has been a Swiss Guard for the past 24 years. “It is not a job, it is a mission for the Church, and I have been honored to serve God in this way,” he said.

The Franciscan Sisters share an All-American picnic meal with the Breitenmoser family.

Enjoying conversation after a picnic dinner on the patio, from left, Roseangela, Urs, Martina, Mother Miriam, Sara, Mother Shaun, and Sister Judith.
The Pontifical Swiss Guard, founded by Pope Julius II in 1506, is a military group of Swiss citizens whose main work is to protect and ensure the safety of the Pope and his residence as well as guard the entrances to Vatican City. They also accompany the Pope on his trips around the world.
The basketball-minded Swiss Guard said the time in Connecticut was a perfect ending to his family’s long-awaited two-week vacation in the United States.

Swiss Guard Lt. Urs Breitenmoser in uniform, on duty to serve the safety of the Holy Father at the Vatican.