Sister Michaela Serpa, FSE and Sister Faith Marie Woolsey, FSE recently completed studies for Masters degrees in Theology at Holy Apostles College and Seminary.

Sister Michaela earned a Master of Arts degree in Theology with a concentration in Bioethics. This degree adds a theological perspective to her professional training as a doctor of pharmacy. Sister Michaela serves as a pharmacy supervisor at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. She received her doctoral degree from Idaho State University.

Sister Faith Marie’s Masters degree is in General Theology. She works as a physical therapist at Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care in Meriden, Connecticut. She earned a doctorate in physical therapy from Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
As a way of forming Sisters holistically to meet with a faith perspective, the challenges presented in their various professions, it is a common practice in the Community that Sisters study theology to complement their professional degrees.
Congratulations, to our 2020 graduates!