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Franciscan Montessori Earth School receives WCEA Accreditation

Sister Therese Gutting, FSE, Head of School, works with Cyrus and Kellan in the Atrium of the Franciscan Montessori Earth School, the space where the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program is carried out. PORTLAND, OR (11-16-2018) Congratulations to our Franciscan Montessori Earth School in Portland, Oregon! For the past three years the Franciscan Montessori Earth School has been working hard to earn accreditation by the Western Catholic Educational Association. On November 16 they were granted a six-year accreditation. The Western Catholic Educational Association is a private educational accrediting agency for Catholic elementary and secondary schools in ten western United States and the US Territory of Guam. The WCEA is responsible for recognizing schools that exhibit excellence in Catholic education. Schools striving to receive accreditation must demonstrate Catholic identity, strong organization, sound curriculum and instruction, and resources and support services. It takes a whole school community to create a positive environment for Catholic education. Each staff member, student and parent has been instrumental in making this dream a reality. Sister Therese Gutting, FSE, Head of School, had this to say, "We thank all of our community for your support during this process, and look forward to sharing with you even more ways that our school not only is acknowledged for its achievements, but for being 'Remarkably Different.'" The recognition of its programs, staff, students, and outstanding parent community certifies the Franciscan Montessori Earth School as a Catholic Montessori School based on the standards of the WCEA. Sister Therese spoke about the spirit of the "remarkably different" school, "From its beginnings in 1977, the Franciscan Montessori Earth School has represented a unique opportunity for families from all walks of [...]

Franciscan Montessori Earth School receives WCEA Accreditation2022-03-14T16:43:26-04:00

Sister John Mary Sullivan, FSE and Apprentices speak at Boise symposium

BOISE, IDAHO - On the occasion of the canonization of Saint Pope Paul VI and the 50th anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae, the Diocese of Boise held a "Growing a Culture of Life Symposium" on October 19-20, 2018. The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, Pocatello, were involved in the planning of the symposium and led Morning Prayer on the second day of the conference. Sister John Mary Sullivan, FSE, of Vancouver, BC, presented the first talk on Saturday morning to the conference participants. Her topic, "Made in the Image of Love: A Biblical Understanding of the Human Person," was "an overview of some of the key Scripture passages that reveal to us an understanding of the dignity of the human person, made in the image and likeness of God who is Love." Sister John Mary is a Life, Marriage and Family Program Specialist for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Franciscan Apprentices (lay associates of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist) presented breakout sessions on Saturday afternoon. Ruth Hayes-Barba, a therapist and marriage and family life educator, Portland, Oregon, spoke on "Humanae Vitae through the Life Cycle: Clinical and Pastoral Perspectives." David and Wendy Behrend of Boise, educators and parents, presented "Blessings from Humanae Vitae." Jay Wonacott, Director of the Marriage and Family Life Office for the Diocese of Boise, and Sister John Mary at the conference.

Sister John Mary Sullivan, FSE and Apprentices speak at Boise symposium2022-03-14T16:40:37-04:00

Sisters attend Bishop Juan Miguel Betancourt’s ordination

Sister Barbara Johnson, FSE and Sister Mary Richards, FSE greet Bishop Betancourt. MERIDEN, CT  (10-18-2018) - The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist welcomed the new Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford at a reception following the Ordination Mass in the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford on the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist. Pope Francis appointed Father Juan Miguel Betancourt, SEMV of the Archdiocese of St. Paul as auxiliary bishop on September 18, 2018. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of Hartford, ordained the new bishop during a festive Mass. Seven Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist were invited to join the Cathedral Schola for the occasion.

Sisters attend Bishop Juan Miguel Betancourt’s ordination2022-03-14T16:41:10-04:00

Franciscan Community rejoices in the canonization of Pope Paul VI

ROME  (10-14-2018) - As an entire Community, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist rejoice today in the historic canonization of Pope Paul VI during whose papacy and with his approbation the Community was founded. A representative group of Sisters was present at the canonization ceremony and Mass in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Thousands of people from all over the world gathered under sunny skies to pray and to celebrate Pope Paul VI and six other new saints: Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador; two priests, Francesco Spinelli and Vincenzo Romano; two women religious who founded religious orders, Maria Catherine Kasper and Nazaria Ignazia of Saint Teresa of Jesus; and Nuncio Sulprizio who died at the age of nineteen in Italy. The teachings of Pope Paul VI not only guided the founding of the Community but continued to underlie its growth and approach to mission. His encyclical, Populorum progressio (On the Development of Peoples) has inspired the Sisters in their apostolic outreaches to believe in the potential of each individual to become the person God has called each to be, "In God's plan, every man is born to seek self-fulfillment, for every human life is called to some task by God. At birth a human being possesses certain aptitudes and abilities in germinal form, and these qualities are to be cultivated so that they may bear fruit" (par. 15). Pope Paul VI spoke clearly in his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Evangelization), words that ring true with the Sisters in their efforts to be a corporate "wordless witness," whose very presence speaks to others of hope and faith. Frequently the Community reflects on the challenge of par. 21: "Above all the Gospel must [...]

Franciscan Community rejoices in the canonization of Pope Paul VI2022-03-14T16:41:40-04:00

Sister Damien Marie Savino presents at Vatican conference

Sister Damien Marie Savino, FSE, Ph.D. on the steps of the Pontifical Academy of Science in the Vatican where the Expanded Reason Awards Conference was held. ROME  - Sister Damien Marie Savino, Ph.D. participated in the "Expanded Reason Awards" Conference held at the Vatican the last week of September 2018. The conference is sponsored by the University Francisco de Vitoria in collaboration with the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. The purpose of the Expanded Reason Awards is to acknowledge researchers and professors who view the whole of the human person and expand beyond a narrow scope of one area of science, thus integrating science, philosophy and theology in their vision of the dignity of human beings. The annual conference is inspired by the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI. Sister Damien Marie is the Dean of Science and Sustainability at Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The abstract of Sister Damien Marie's presentation follows: Abstract While the Catholic intellectual tradition has always upheld the uniqueness of the human person, much prominent scientific research has come to an alternative conclusion – namely, that the gap between humans and other animals is not as wide as was once thought and that humans are not significantly different from other animals. How can we address this apparent “disjunct” between philosophy/theology and modern science? In the context of “expanded reason,” can we open up a richer dialogue on this question, one that seriously considers scientific findings and brings them into meaningful dialogue with Catholic philosophy and theology? This paper proposes that the method of disputatio is an effective means for bringing the modern sciences into dialogue with philosophy and theology in relation to questions of the human [...]

Sister Damien Marie Savino presents at Vatican conference2022-03-14T16:42:12-04:00

Courtney Muscat enters novitiate, named Sister Carmina Rose

Sister Carmina Rose Muscat Mother Miriam Seiferman, FSE, Mother General, and Sister Carmina Rose MERIDEN, CT (09-02-2018) - The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist joyfully welcomed postulant Courtney Muscat into canonical novitiate in a private ceremony held in the Chapel of St. John, the motherhouse community's chapel on Sunday, September 2, 2018. In her words of acceptance, Mother Miriam Seiferman, Mother General, gave Courtney the religious name of Sister Carmina Rose. Courtney expressed in her request for novitiate, her devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. "Carmina" connects her with the ever-present guidance of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is also her confirmation name and the name of her great-grandmother, a name from her Maltese heritage. "Rose" is in honor of Mother Rosemae Pender, Mother Foundress. Courtney experienced Mother Rosemae as an inspiring witness to holiness. Mother Rosemae's death during her jubilee Mass became a defining moment in Courtney's discernment process. Mother Miriam assured Sister Carmina Rose that Mother Rosemae will continue to be a guide and inspiration for her life as a religious woman. Sister Carmina Rose, daughter of Sam and Cathy Muscat of East Hampton, Connecticut, received a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science from Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut. She earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from University of Connecticut in 2016. Since graduation, she has worked for Hartford Health Care at Backus Outpatient Rehabilitation Network, Norwich, Connecticut, and the past 20 months at Hartford Hospital Rehabilitation Network Wallingford, an outpatient clinic. The ceremony of reception began with a Scripture reading by Sister Collette Maritim, FSE, after which Courtney read her request for novitiate. Mother Miriam responded to the request, acknowledging [...]

Courtney Muscat enters novitiate, named Sister Carmina Rose2022-03-14T16:39:55-04:00

Sister Christianna Hamman professes perpetual vows

MERIDEN, CT (08-12-2018) - Sister Christianna Hamman, a native of Greenville, Michigan, professed vows of chastity, poverty and obedience for life at a festive Mass held in the Chapel of St. John, in Meriden, the motherhouse of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of Hartford, was the principal celebrant with nine priests and two deacons assisting. Sister Christianna professed her vows into the hands of Mother Miriam Seiferman, Mother General, who welcomed her with joy as a permanent member of the Community. Sister Mary Elizabeth Endee and Sister Bernardone Rock were official witnesses. Following her profession of vows, Sister Christianna received blessings from Mother Miriam, Mother Barbara Johnson, Vicar General; Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Co-foundress; and Archbishop Blair. Chris and Mary Hamman, parents of Sister Christianna, presented their daughter to the Community at the entrance procession. Sister's siblings, Luke Hamman of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam; Micah Brown of Florida; Rebekah Hamman, Jesse Hamman and his wife, Grace, and Alec Magnuson, all of Michigan, were special guests. Several friends of Sister Christianna and the Hamman family traveled from Michigan for the occasion. Sister Christianna will be missioned to the new Franciscan center in Burlington, Vermont, and will teach at Rice Memorial High School in South Burlington. Sister's professional expertise is in secondary education with specialties in math and Spanish. Archbishop Leonard P. Blair places a ring on Sister Christianna's finger as a sign of Sister's perpetual, spousal commitment to Christ and His Church. [...]

Sister Christianna Hamman professes perpetual vows2022-03-14T16:38:36-04:00

New generation of Sisters makes heritage pilgrimage to Wisconsin

“Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey toward heaven and are traditionally very special occasions for renewal in prayer.” Catechism of the Catholic Church 2691 MERIDEN, CT (08-08-2018) - by Sister Jeanne d'Arc Paquette, FSE As we boarded the plane in Hartford, CT, I knew this pilgrimage would be a little bit different. We did not need our passports or foreign money. We did not need hotel reservations or tour guides. What we did need was a pair of good walking shoes and a copy of our former Community’s history, “A Chapter of Franciscan History.” This was not a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Rome or Assisi but a much more humble and immediate part of our birth as a congregation. We were headed to Wisconsin. Originally, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist were members of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in La Crosse, WI. The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration were once members of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi in Milwaukee, WI. The three Communities share a common foundation of Bavarian lay people desiring to help German immigrants in America in 1849. Now, in 2018, the newest Professed Sisters and Sisters in Formation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist had the privilege of rediscovering the roots of our religious life. We began in La Crosse at St. Rose Convent with the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. The Sisters were joyful and hospitable, warmly inviting us to share in their daily life and meals. We were welcomed into exploring the heritage room, archives, Viterbo University campus, and the beautiful convent grounds. It was especially meaningful for each of us pilgrims [...]

New generation of Sisters makes heritage pilgrimage to Wisconsin2022-03-14T16:39:12-04:00

Franciscan Community grateful for friendship with beloved Cardinal Tauran

MERIDEN, CT (07-07-2018) - The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist have known His Eminence Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran as a wise and trusted man of the Church, a close collaborator, and an esteemed friend. Two of our Sisters, Sister Catherine Mary Clarke, FSE and Sister Judith Zoebelein, FSE had the opportunity to experience Cardinal Tauran’s gracious leadership in their work in the Vatican Apostolic Library and the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue respectively. In mid-June, while visiting the Community’s motherhouse where he was scheduled to present a talk on inter-religious dialogue and enjoy a few days of quiet retreat, Cardinal Tauran became gravely ill and was hospitalized. His Eminence entered eternal life on July 5, 2018. As a friend, Cardinal Tauran has visited the Franciscan motherhouse in Meriden on occasion. In 2009, he celebrated Palm Sunday Mass in the Sisters’ all-purpose room as their chapel was too small to accommodate the worshipers. After Mass he encouraged the Sisters to build a new, larger chapel and promised to be the celebrant at its dedication, whenever that might be. In 2014, his suggestion became a reality and, true to his promise, Cardinal Tauran was the principal celebrant at the Mass of dedication with concelebrants Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop Emeritus Daniel A. Cronin and many priest friends. In 2011, the Cardinal paid a visit to the motherhouse at the time of the Sisters’ annual Franciscan Sports Banquet fundraising event, and led the opening prayer for the 600 people present. As the President of the Council on Inter-religious Dialogue at the Vatican, Cardinal Tauran has served the Catholic Church in fostering mutual respect among persons of different religions. He has been a strong leader [...]

Franciscan Community grateful for friendship with beloved Cardinal Tauran2018-07-24T20:49:59-04:00

Franciscan Driving Horse Cadet Corps wins first place in 4th of July parade

LOWELL, MI (07-05-2018) - Congratulations to Sister Ann Frances Thompson and her Franciscan Driving Horse Cadet Corps for winning first place in nearby Ada, Michigan's Fourth of July Parade in the business non-profit category! Sister Ann Frances' students from her Carriage Driving Horse Camps drove in the parade, demonstrating their newly-acquired skills. They were acclaimed by parade-watchers and family members alike for their charming entry to the parade. See feature on Sister Ann Frances to learn more about her accomplishments in the field of equine therapy.

Franciscan Driving Horse Cadet Corps wins first place in 4th of July parade2018-07-25T18:43:40-04:00
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