Pope Francis appoints Sister Raffaella Petrini as President of the Governorate of Vatican City State
ROME (02-15-2025) - Pope Francis announced today the appointment of Sister Raffaella Petrini, FSE as President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and President of the Governorate of Vatican City State. We Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, as a Community dedicated to serving the Holy Father and the Church, offer Sister Raffaella our prayerful support as she assumes this new mission for the Church. The announcement published on Vatican News states: Pope Francis has appointed Sister Raffaella [...]
Sisters join thousands of pro-life advocates at National March for Life
WASHINGTON, DC (01-24-2025) - Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist from Meriden, Connecticut, Lewiston, Maine, Falls Church, Virginia, and Boynton Beach, Florida centers joined thousands of pro-life supporters for the National March for Life in Washington, DC. The theme for the 2025 March is "Life: Why We March." The Connecticut Sisters participated in the Archdiocese of Hartford's Respect Life Ministry pilgrimage to the nation's capitol to witness to the dignity of human life. The busload, comprised of priests, religious men and women, lay faithful adults and [...]
Sister in Jerusalem featured for her work with migrants and asylum seekers
JERUSALEM - Sister Maria David Magbanua, FSE, was highlighted in a recent National Catholic Reporter's Global Sisters Report for her service with the children of migrants and asylum seekers in Jerusalem. Sister Maria David has been the director of St. Rachel Center for the past three years, carrying out this ministry under the auspices of the Latin Patriarchate's Vicariate for Migrants and Asylum Seekers. St. Rachel Center provides services as a day care program, after school and youth programs, [...]
Christmas Blessings!
The entire Community of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist wishes you a joyful and blessed Christmas Season! As the Church opens the Jubilee Year of Hope, may our hearts be lifted up by the hope of the Incarnation, the miracle of the Body of Christ in our midst. We pray in gratitude and for the needs of our families, friends, collaborators and viewers. Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist Motherhouse Community, Meriden, Connecticut Assisi, Italy Boynton Beach, Florida Bridal Veil, Oregon Burlington, Vermont Falls Church, [...]
Sister Mary Mercy Lee reads Pope Francis’ message at General Audience
ROME (10-23-2024) - Sister Mary Mercy Lee, FSE who recently began to serve at the Vatican, was selected to read Pope Francis' message and blessing to the English-speaking pilgrims at the Holy Father's General Audience on October 23. Thousands of people from around the world gather each Wednesday in St. Peter's Square to see and listen to Pope Francis who customarily presents an instruction or reflection on a topic of his choice. Currently, he has been speaking on the Holy [...]
Sister Mary Rose Irvine honored as a “guiding light” for Cheshire, Connecticut parish
MERIDEN, CT (08-15-2024) - Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish in Cheshire, Connecticut, an active parish serving over 3,000 households, honored Sister Mary Rose Irvine, FSE on Sunday, August 11 at a farewell reception. Sister Mary Rose ministered as a pastoral associate the past three years and has been reassigned by the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist to a new mission. Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans, pastor, in his bulletin announcement of Sister's leaving, praised Sister Mary Rose as a "guiding light in our [...]