


Christmas Blessings!

The entire Community of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist wishes you a joyful and blessed Christmas Season! As the Church opens the Jubilee Year of Hope, may our hearts be lifted up by the hope of the Incarnation, the miracle of the Body of Christ in our midst. We pray in gratitude and for the needs of our families, friends, collaborators and viewers. Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist Motherhouse Community, Meriden, Connecticut Assisi, Italy Boynton Beach, Florida Bridal Veil, Oregon Burlington, Vermont Falls Church, [...]

December 24th, 2024|

Sister Mary Mercy Lee reads Pope Francis’ message at General Audience

ROME (10-23-2024) - Sister Mary Mercy Lee, FSE who recently began to serve at the Vatican, was selected to read Pope Francis' message and blessing to the English-speaking pilgrims at the Holy Father's General Audience on October 23. Thousands of people from around the world gather each Wednesday in St. Peter's Square to see and listen to Pope Francis who customarily presents an instruction or reflection on a topic of his choice. Currently, he has been speaking on the Holy [...]

October 25th, 2024|

Sister Mary Rose Irvine honored as a “guiding light” for Cheshire, Connecticut parish

MERIDEN, CT (08-15-2024) - Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish in Cheshire, Connecticut, an active parish serving over 3,000 households, honored Sister Mary Rose Irvine, FSE on Sunday, August 11 at a farewell reception. Sister Mary Rose ministered as a pastoral associate the past three years and has been reassigned by the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist to a new mission. Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans, pastor, in his bulletin announcement of Sister's leaving, praised Sister Mary Rose as a "guiding light in our [...]

August 15th, 2024|

National Eucharistic Congress inspires thousands

INDIANAPOLIS (07-21-2024) - The National Eucharistic Congress wrapped up today as the approximately 60,000 participants return to their homes, parishes and dioceses across the United States, inspired by the experiences of adoration, liturgies, workshops, vibrant speakers, exhibits and most of all, by the overwhelming number of Catholics sharing in a common experience of Christ in the Eucharist. The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist echoed that sentiment. Their days were filled with meeting new people, connecting with former colleagues, and [...]

July 21st, 2024|

Sisters attending National Eucharistic Congress

ON THE ROAD TO INDIANAPOLIS (07-16-2024) - (Photo) The delegation of Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist attending the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis July 18-21 stand by the sculpture of Saint Clare of Assisi on the Franciscan campus in Meriden, Connecticut just a few days before leaving for Indianapolis. From left, the Sisters and their centers are Sister Angela Marie Castellani, Bridal Veil, Oregon; Sister Mary Mercy Lee, Meriden; Sister Anna Rose Kalinowski and Sister Collette Maritim, Lowell, Michigan; Sister Christianna Hamman, [...]

July 16th, 2024|

FSEs welcome new bishops in New England dioceses

Crests of Archdiocese of Hartford, Diocese of Portland and Diocese of Burlington MERIDEN, CT (07-16-2024) - The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist join the faithful of three New England dioceses in welcoming their new bishops. The Motherhouse Community welcomed the Most Reverend Christopher J. Coyne as the new Archbishop of Hartford. As Co-adjutor, Archbishop Coyne became the Chief Shepherd upon Pope Francis' acceptance of Archbishop Leonard Blair's resignation on May 1, 2024. Several Sisters attended the Mass of [...]

July 16th, 2024|
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