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So far System Administrator has created 102 blog entries.

Franciscans welcome two Apprentices’ life commitments

MERIDEN, CT (04-23-2017) - On Divine Mercy Sunday, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist welcomed two lay women as life-committed Franciscan Apprentices. Mrs. Christine Bee of Wallingford, Connecticut and Mrs. Georgeann "Gae" Savino of Ossining, New York professed their life commitments after the homily during the Sunday Mass. Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General, presented them with the Apprentice manual, medal and a name. She, Mother Miriam Seiferman and Reverend Christopher Tiano, celebrant, offered them blessings followed by the community of Sisters and Brothers singing the Blessing of St. Francis. Mother Shaun gave Christine Bee the name "Mariam" who was one of the first two Palestinian saints, to honor Christine's love of the Holy Land. Gae Savino received the name "Mercy" in light of her work and dedication to counseling bereaved persons. The Franciscan Apprentices who were present renewed their life commitments to live Franciscan spirituality as lay men and women through their dedication to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church in their personal and family lives and their professional involvement in the secular arena. The Mass ended with a festive Easter hymn accompanied by an ensemble of flutes, French horns, organ, cello and clarinet played by Sisters in formation. Following the Mass, all enjoyed a luncheon on the Chiara Center patio and the San Damiano Room. Friends and families of the new Apprentices joined in the celebration, including the adult children of Mrs. Bee and her husband John, from the Washington D.C. area, and 30 persons from Ossining who came by private bus for the occasion. Of special note for Mrs. Savino, her husband, Dr. John Savino and her mother, Mrs. [...]

Franciscans welcome two Apprentices’ life commitments2022-03-14T16:56:55-04:00

Sister Lucia Treanor honored at Grand Valley State University

LOWELL, MICHIGAN (04-10-2017) - Sister Lucia Treanor, FSE, Ph.D. was honored recently at the Faculty Awards Convocation in Celebration of Academic Excellence of Grand Valley State University. Sister Lucia, a Senior Affiliate Faculty of Writing, received the Pew Teaching with Technology Award. The university published the following summary of the selection of Sister Lucia for the award: Sister Lucia states, "I see each of my students as a unique and unrepeatable person." While teaching writing, her methods include incorporating high expectations and diligent editing. She is recognized for demonstrating excellent traditional classroom methods of lecturing, as well as the ability to use technology to facilitate the learning. By using online software and computerized data resources, she allows her students to become uniquely engaged in the writing process. She creates websites, videos, utilizes clickers, and incorporates audio feedback into the editing process for her students. She has a long history of reviewing ever-emerging technology to assess its value in her classroom and sharing this expertise generously with others. Sister Lucia joined Grand Valley State University in 2002. The university published a video about Sister Lucia to highlight the contribution she makes to the university and especially to her students: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNVuA2xu_M4 Congratulations, Sister Lucia!

Sister Lucia Treanor honored at Grand Valley State University2022-03-14T16:56:24-04:00

Mother Shaun receives blessing from Pope Francis

ROME (03-19-2017) – During a recent trip to Rome, Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General, attended a private Mass celebrated by Pope Francis at Santa Marta chapel. Following the Mass, Mother Shaun met with the Holy Father. Pictured above, Mother Shaun is sharing with the Pope the memorial card and precious items of Mother Rosemae Pender, Mother Foundress, who entered eternal life on June 26, 2016 during her 75th Jubilee Mass. The Holy Father blessed the items and offered his blessing to the Community and asked Mother to pray for him. Photo: L’Osservatore Romano

Mother Shaun receives blessing from Pope Francis2022-03-14T17:00:10-04:00

Sister Dorothy Prokes, FSE, CREative ACTing foundress, dies at age 96

POCATELLO, ID (12-20-2016) - The drama of her life now enters its final act, eternal life. Sister Dorothy Prokes, FSE died peacefully the evening of December 19, 2016 as her Sisters prayed around her bed at the Franciscan center in Pocatello. A well known educator, Sister Dorothy founded the CREative ACTing method of teaching, using creative dramatics as a central focus of the curriculum in elementary schools. Sister Dorothy founded the Franciscan CRE-ACT School in Pocatello and administered the program until 2008. In 2009, she and a colleague published A Roadmap to Education: The CRE-ACT Way. Sister Dorothy's flair for drama was well known among her professional colleagues. She was a member of the American Theatre Association Children's Theatre of Creative Education Foundation and the Alliance for Arts in Education, along with other educational groups. In 1975 CRE-ACT School was Idaho's representative to the National Conference for the Alliance for Arts in Education Conference at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Sister Dorothy was named Outstanding Elementary School Principal for 1985 by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Sister Dorothy was born on February 10, 1920 in Jackson, Minnesota where she lived until she entered the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, La Crosse, Wisconsin. She professed her first vows in 1940 and final vows in 1946. As a religious Sister, she was assigned to teach in parish schools in Wisconsin and Iowa. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1953 from Viterbo College, majoring in both Education and Art. In 1961 she received a Master of Arts in Education and English from University of Detroit. She completed her Ph.D. degree in [...]

Sister Dorothy Prokes, FSE, CREative ACTing foundress, dies at age 962022-03-15T10:24:54-04:00

Sister Regina Cochran professes final vows

MERIDEN, CT (09-04-2016) - Sister Regina Cochran, FSE professed perpetual vows of chastity, poverty and obedience into the hands of Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General, in the presence of a crowded chapel of clergy, lay faithful and her Community of Sisters and Brothers. The festive Mass of Profession of Vows was celebrated by The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, S.T.D., Archbishop of Hartford, with six priests as concelebrants and Reverend Ryan Lerner as master of ceremonies. Archbishop Blair presented the formal "Questions by the Church" to Sister Regina who expressed clearly her desire to make perpetual vows and to live a life of consecration as prescribed by the Church and the Institute of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. Following the profession of vows, the Archbishop placed a blessed ring on Sister's finger as a sign of her spousal commitment to Christ and the Church. Friends and family from her hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and friends from Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina and New York as well as Connecticut, rejoiced with Sister Regina on this milestone. For the past two years, Sister has been the vocation outreach ambassador for her Community, traveling to college campuses to share the good news of religious life as a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist.

Sister Regina Cochran professes final vows2022-03-15T10:30:11-04:00

Sister lauded for 40 years serving Area Agency on Aging

POCATELLO, ID (08-31-2016) - Sister Anthony Marie Greving, FSE was honored at an open house at the Southeast Idaho Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging for her forty years of service with the agency. Sister is retiring from the agency to focus on developing a retreat program with her Community. In a letter to Sister Anthony Marie, the Regional Administrator of the Department of Health and Human Services, Mr. David A. Ishida, expressed appreciation for her service: "I appreciate you for being fair, far thinking and hardworking. You have been a model of consistency and reasonableness. . . I applaud your leadership and successes." An article from the Idaho State Journal newspaper sums up the story of Sister's forty-year career and the growth of programs for elderly persons under her leadership. Congratulations, Sister Anthony Marie on a job well done! See article by Michael H. O'Donnell.

Sister lauded for 40 years serving Area Agency on Aging2022-03-15T10:30:54-04:00

Formation Sisters receive rave reviews for “Pilgrimage of Joy” concert

MERIDEN, CT (07-31-2016) - To help fund their pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the Sisters in formation performed a concert at the Chapel of St. John, Meriden, on Sunday, July 31st. Concert-goers generously offered donations in response to the invitation. The performance filled one and a half hours with a variety of musical presentations - choral, solo and instrumental ensembles which delighted the audience. Grouped into four major sections, Community Hymns, International Songs, Broadway Favorites and Sacred Hymns, the program showcased a wealth of musical talent in the youngest members of the Franciscan Sisters. Sister Bernardone Rock, professional choral conductor, directed the music.      

Formation Sisters receive rave reviews for “Pilgrimage of Joy” concert2022-03-15T10:33:07-04:00

Sisters attend World Youth Day in Poland

KRAKOW, POLAND (07-27-2016) - Two Sisters of Polish descent are representing the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist at World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. Sister Janet Marie Bagniewski of Lowell, Michigan, and Sister Frances Zajac of Meriden, Connecticut, traveled to "St. John Paul II" country for the world-wide gathering started by the Polish pontiff. The week-long event features days of activities focused on enlivening the faith of Catholic youth who come from countries around the world. This year, two million are taking part. Pope Francis will lead a prayer vigil and celebrate a concluding Mass. Mark Mann, director of family, youth and young adult ministries for the Diocese of Grand Rapids found Sister Janet Marie in the crowd of two million and sent this photo back to the folks at home:

Sisters attend World Youth Day in Poland2022-03-15T10:33:42-04:00

Friends around the world express grief and awe at the significant death of Mother Rosemae

"A glorious miracle - a saint meeting her Beloved of 75 years during the Eucharist!" MERIDEN, CT (07-10-2016) - Condolences flooded in to the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist by email, mail, texts and telephone as friends around the world heard the stunning news of the death of Mother Rosemae Pender, FSE, Mother Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. Mother Rosemae entered eternal life suddenly during the celebration Mass for her 75th Jubilee of vows at the Franciscan Sisters’ Chapel of St. John. Mother Rosemae had received the renewal of vows of Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Mother General, also a jubilarian, and then renewed her own vows into the hands of Mother Shaun. Following the renewal of vows, Mother Rosemae presented the Constitutions (rule of life) of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist to Archbishop Emeritus Henry J. Mansell, principal celebrant, during the offertory procession. She then suffered a heart attack and died before the end of Mass. Over 260 friends, religious, and priests were present in the chapel for this most profound and historic moment. Several persons in their heartfelt messages exclaimed, "Only saints have such a blessed death!" Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Mother General, announced the day of Mother Foundress' death that the Community would wait to hold the funeral until the Sisters from all the centers arrived as already scheduled for the Community retreat and meetings in early July so everyone could be present. "We need to grieve together," Mother Shaun said. Mother Rosemae's body was brought to the Chapel of St. John for a private wake on Saturday, July 9th, after being cared for by the Community funeral directors/embalmers, Sister Patricia Glass and Sister Frances [...]

Friends around the world express grief and awe at the significant death of Mother Rosemae2022-03-14T16:17:08-04:00

Visits to Postulant’s CatholicMatch blog crash server

MERIDEN, CT (05-18-2016) - Robyn Lee's story on CatholicMatch Institute's web site had so many concurrent visitors that the server could not handle the volume and went off-line. Robyn's story, "I Quit CatholicMatch for God" begins, "I’m leaving my job at CatholicMatch because I fell in love. My love story, as well as my CatholicMatch story, both begin with a break-up. Shocking, I know." Robyn is a postulant with the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist and the managing editor of CatholicMatch Institute's blog Faith, Hope and Love. Her popular blog post explained that she has resigned her position at CatholicMatch and will be entering the novitiate. Over the years, Robyn's blog has provided wise advice to young adult Catholics as they seek the spouse God has prepared for them.

Visits to Postulant’s CatholicMatch blog crash server2017-08-10T20:52:51-04:00
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