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Oregon Sisters evacuated during forest fire

BRIDAL VEIL, OREGON (09-25-2017) - About 9:00 p.m. on Labor Day evening, September 4, the Sisters in Bridal Veil, Oregon were asked by local authorities to evacuate their home in the Columbia River Gorge as the area was threatened by a rapidly spreading forest fire. The fire was moving westward from the Eagle Creek area where it started. The ten Sisters stayed overnight in a Portland motel and in the Franciscan Montessori Earth School which the Sisters operate. In the following days friends and families welcomed the Sisters into their homes. Grateful for the good news that the house had escaped the flames even as areas near the house were burned, the Sisters thanked the firefighters for their hard work, and thanked friends, colleagues, families and their Community members across the world for the urgent prayers offered for the Sisters' safety. They were allowed to return to Bridal Veil on September 16 and to begin the process of clean-up from smoke and ash pervading the house. See local articles and videos as reported in the Portland area media below. From the Oregonian: http://www.oregonlive.com/wildfires/index.ssf/2017/09/eagle_creek_fire_forces_nuns_t.html http://www.kgw.com/news/local/nuns-from-bridal-veil-convent-displaced-by-eagle-creek-fire/472696811 From the Catholic Sentinel: https://www.catholicsentinel.org/Content/News/Local/Article/As-Oregon-fires-rage-Franciscan-sisters-forced-to-evacuate-convent-/2/35/34101 https://www.catholicsentinel.org/Content/News/Local/Article/The-sisters-are-back/2/35/34180  

Oregon Sisters evacuated during forest fire2022-03-14T16:48:52-04:00

Sister Grace Marie Horan professes perpetual vows

MERIDEN, CT (08-06-2017) - Sister Grace Marie Horan, FSE professed perpetual vows on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, August 6, in the Chapel of St. John at a Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of Hartford. Sister Grace Marie was accompanied in the entrance procession by her parents, John and Ever Horan of Fort Worth, Texas, who presented her to the Franciscan Community through the person of Mother Miriam Seiferman, Mother General, who received her and thanked Mr. and Mrs. Horan for the gift of Sister Grace Marie's life. The vow ceremony took place after the Gospel. Mother Miriam received Sister's vows in the presence of the official witnesses, Sister Maria Sena, FSE and Sister Mary Elizabeth Endee, FSE, and the congregation of 200 people. In making this final profession, Sister Grace Marie vows to God to live out her life in chastity, poverty and obedience in the Community of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. To symbolize this life commitment, Sister received a ring blessed and presented by the Archbishop who represents Christ as Bridegroom of the Church. Sister received blessings from Mother Miriam, Mother Barbara Johnson, Vicar General, and Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother Co-foundress. The professed Sisters renewed their vows and then sang the Blessing of St. Francis for the newly professed Sister. In his homily, Archbishop Blair related the feast of the Transfiguration to the vocation to religious life in making the "invisible visible." Christ shone in glorious light as he was transfigured in the presence of three of his apostles. Consecrated religious, too, are called to show forth to the world the light of Christ and illumine [...]

Sister Grace Marie Horan professes perpetual vows2022-03-14T16:49:43-04:00

Prairie land dedicated to Mother Mary Ann Schmitz

“Saint Francis...invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness.” - Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ LOWELL, MI (07-27-2017) - On July 27, the Laudato Si’ Sanctuary was dedicated to Mother Mary Ann Schmitz, FSE, in gratitude for her many years of caring for the land of the Franciscan Life Process Center and for being the inspiration of the project. The dedication of the Sanctuary was the culmination of work that began in 2014. This prairie restoration project began when Joe Trenshaw met with Mother Mary Ann Schmitz to discuss possible Eagle Scout projects. After discussing several options, the two engaged Chris Baer, a member of the Grand Rapids Audubon Society and an expert on prairie restoration to help them. Joe decided to focus his efforts on the prairie and performed the initial work selecting the area, preparing the land, and gathering and planting seeds. Since then, various school groups have removed invasive plants and collected seeds to expand the prairie area. The ultimate goal is for the prairie to cover around 10 acres of Center land. Prairies are unique habitats that are on the decline in the Midwest. “Before the advent of widespread agriculture, prairies were dominated by grasses such as big bluestem and Indian grass as well as many wildflowers,” states Mother Mary Ann. “They also supported a rich ecosystem for birds and grazing animals.” All of the plants, including lupine, bee balm, and coneflowers, in the Laudato Si’ Sanctuary are native to Michigan, which is very important in order to encourage biodiversity and places for native birds, [...]

Prairie land dedicated to Mother Mary Ann Schmitz2022-03-14T16:50:25-04:00

Mother Miriam Seiferman elected third Mother General

MERIDEN, CT (07-17-2017) - Mother Miriam Seiferman (pictured above) was elected Mother General by the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist during their General Chapter held at the motherhouse. Mother Miriam is the first Mother General following the terms of the Mother Foundress, Mother Rosemae Pender, who served from the beginning of the Foundation in 1973 until 2005 when Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Co-foundress, was elected. Mother Shaun was then re-elected for a second term in 2011. Mother Barbara Johnson was elected to serve as Vicar General. Four Council members were also elected for a six-year term to assist the Mother General: Sister Suzanne Gross, Sister Mary Richards, Sister Raffaella Petrini and Sister Clare Hunter. The solemn ritual of election followed nine days of prayer and meetings of the perpetually professed Sisters, and was preceded by a night of Eucharistic adoration as Sisters hourly prayed before the Blessed Sacrament for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Immediately before the Chapter of Elections, the Most Reverend J. Michael Miller, Archbishop of Vancouver, celebrated Mass in the Chapel of St. John for the Community. Archbishop Miller had presented reflections on religious life during the Sisters' silent retreat in the days before the election. From left, Sister Clare Hunter, Sister Raffaella Petrini, Sister Mary Richards, Sister Suzanne Gross, Mother Barbara Johnson and Mother Miriam Seiferman. In the background is a sculpture, near the Chapel of St. John, from which hangs a set of wind chimes named "Treasure in Heaven" dedicated in memory of Mother Rosemae Pender, Mother Foundress.   (From left) Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother Co-foundress and former Mother General, stands near the memorial chimes with Mother Miriam Seiferman, newly [...]

Mother Miriam Seiferman elected third Mother General2022-03-14T16:50:51-04:00

Memorial chimes dedicated to Mother Foundress

MERIDEN, CT (July 2017) –  A new structure adorns the gathering space at the entrance of the Chapel of St. John, the Franciscan Sisters' main chapel. A large set of chimes, a gift to the Sisters from the Franciscan Brothers of the Eucharist, now hangs from a wooden frame to greet all who walk to the chapel. The chimes are dedicated as a memorial to Mother Rosemae Pender, FSE, Mother Foundress, who died in June of 2016. The pathway leading to the chapel was dedicated as "The Guardian Way" in her honor the year before her death. Mother Rosemae was known as "Mother Guardian" within the Community in the Franciscan tradition of calling the Superior the "Guardian." The chimes structure was designed and constructed by John Sullivan, president of Sullivan Brothers, LLC, who used wood from an elm tree that had to be cut down for the construction of an addition to the Sisters' formation house. The 72" chimes are named "Treasure in Heaven" by the manufacturers, Whimsical Winds. During her life, Mother Rosemae frequently suggested that the Community remember her and pray for her when they hear chimes. Indeed, she now is the Community's "treasure in heaven."

Memorial chimes dedicated to Mother Foundress2022-03-14T16:51:54-04:00

Celebrating the Sisters’ 50th jubilee of vows

Sister Sarah Doser (left) and Sister Anthony Marie Greving pose with Bishop Peter F. Christensen after the Mass celebrating the Sisters' 50th jubilee of vows. Bishop Christensen was the principal celebrant of the Mass which was attended by parishioners, friends, and families of the Sisters. Sister Anthony Marie renews her vows into the hands of Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General, a traditonal part of the ritual of jubilee celebrations.   Bishop Christensen and the jubilarians are surrounded by the Community of Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. Front row, from left, Sister Marcia Ternes, Bridal Veil, Oregon; Sister Mary Colman Pyle, Sister Janice Otis and Sister Mary Timothy Prokes of Pocatello; second row, Sister Paul Mary Dreger, Sister Jo-Ann Seraffino, Sister Mary Matthew Morrisroe of Pocatello; and Sister Bernardone Rock of Meriden, Connecticut; top row, Mother Shaun Vergauwen of Meriden, Connecticut, Sister Sarah, Bishop Christensen and Sister Anthony Marie. Sister Bernardone, the music director for the Mass, and Sister Mary Timothy are on the faculty of Saint Meinrad Seminary, Saint Meinrad, Indiana, and reside there during the academic year.   Bishop Christensen extends his episcopal blessing on the jubilarians. Following the Mass, all were invited to greet the Sisters at a festive reception.

Celebrating the Sisters’ 50th jubilee of vows2022-03-14T16:52:46-04:00

Franciscan Apprentice ordained priest for Duluth diocese

DULUTH, MN (06-11-2017) - Deacon Steven Langenbrunner who has been a Franciscan Apprentice of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist for many years, was ordained to the priesthood on June 9, 2017 by the Most Reverend Paul Sirba at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary in Duluth. Bishop Sirba, in introducing the candidates to the crowded audience, said of Deacon Steven, that he is a "spiritual son of St. Francis" and his living of Franciscan spirituality will be a source of life for him in his priesthood. Father Langenbrunner offered his first Mass in his home parish, Queen of Peace, in Cloquet, Minnesota, on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, June 11. His fellow Franciscan Apprentices were present, along with his immediate family. Three Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist represented the Community at the celebration, Sister Suzanne Gross and Sister Kieran Foley of the Meriden, Connecticut center and Sister Therese Gutting of the Bridal Veil, Oregon center. The entire Community of Franciscan Sisters, Brothers and Apprentices offer their hearty congratulations and prayers for Father Steven as he begins his priestly ministry.

Franciscan Apprentice ordained priest for Duluth diocese2022-03-14T16:53:13-04:00

Sister Jeanne d’Arc Paquette professes first vows

MERIDEN, CT (05-14-2017) - Sister Jeanne d'Arc Paquette professed her first vows of chastity, poverty and obedience for three years during Mass on Sunday, May 14th in the Chapel of St. John. Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General, received the vows and in light of the day's celebration of Mothers' Day, encouraged Sister Jeanne d'Arc to continue her growth in the maternal aspects of her call as a religious woman. The professed Sisters renewed their vows in affirmation of the life of vowed commitment Sister Jeanne d'Arc is choosing to live. Mother Miriam Seiferman, Vicar General, replaced Sister Jeanne d'Arc's plain cincture with a knotted cincture where the three knots represent the three vows, a Franciscan tradition. She then presented the medal of the Community to Sister with a blessing, followed by blessings by Reverend David Daly, L.C., celebrant, and by Mother Shaun who also gave Sister Jeanne d'Arc her personal copy of the Constitutions and Customs. Sister Jeanne d'Arc has been working part-time as an art teacher at St. Bridget School, Cheshire, Connecticut, during her second year of novitiate.

Sister Jeanne d’Arc Paquette professes first vows2022-03-14T16:53:51-04:00

Mother Shaun Vergauwen awarded honorary doctorate

MERIDEN, CT (05-06-2017) - Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Mother General, was honored by Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, Connecticut, at its commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 6th as the college awarded Mother Shaun an honorary doctorate. The Very Reverend Douglas Mosey, CSB, President-Rector, read aloud the decree citing Mother Shaun's accomplishments in founding, with Mother Rosemae Pender, FSE, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. The decree acknowledged their carrying out a creative vision for religious life in fulfillment of the call of Vatican II for renewal of religious life. Most Reverend Michael Cote, Bishop of Norwich (center), presents Mother Shaun Vergauwen with the degree following the reading of the citation by the Very Reverend Douglas Mosey (left). The audience responded with a standing ovation. Following is a copy of the official citation in honor of Mother Shaun: In his book Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI wrote, “The reversal of proportions is one of God’s mysteries. The great-the mighty-is ultimately the small. And the tiny mustard seed is something truly great. So it is that the Resurrection has entered the world only through certain mysterious appearances to the chosen few. And yet it was truly the new beginning for which the world was silently waiting.” Mother Shaun Vergauwen’s beginning was in Allouez, Wisconsin a small village of many Belgian descendants. She knew the people well, not only through Church and school but also through the Belgian Hall and through her work at her mother’s restaurant, Melody Café. She entered the community of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in La Crosse, Wisconsin and in her time with them taught in Wisconsin and Iowa schools until she was [...]

Mother Shaun Vergauwen awarded honorary doctorate2022-03-14T16:54:16-04:00
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