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So far skf@synergicsystems.com has created 49 blog entries.

A Beautiful Holy Week

MERIDEN, CT (04-11-2023) - Holy Week at the motherhouse of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist was beautiful, full and meaningful. Our liturgies contained the richness of the Church's traditions, the see-touch-smell realities of palms, walking in procession, bowing, kneeling, singing and reciting, incense arising, darkness and candle light, the blazing holy fire and the blessing of water, capped by grand Easter alleluias of voice, organ and trumpet. A hope-filled community of clergy, religious and lay faithful coming together in Eucharistic prayer, adoration and faith to celebrate the most profound mysteries of Christ's life. Each day's liturgy was introduced by brief presentations on aspects of Pope Francis' catechesis of February 15, 2023. The Holy Father spoke about "The passion of evangelizing - Why proclaim, What to proclaim and How to proclaim." The Community focused on "How to proclaim" - as lambs going out in the midst of wolves with simplicity, humility, innocence, dedication and tenderness. (See text at the bottom of this post.) The Community is grateful for Reverend George Nursey, Ph.D. of the Diocese of Orlando who celebrated the liturgies and whose homilies enriched the Community's experience each day. Father Nursey serves as the Dean of Pastoral Formation and Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, Florida. We share a few photos of our wonderful Holy Week. May you have a joyful and blessed Easter Season! Click on photos to enlarge. [...]

A Beautiful Holy Week2023-04-12T09:39:09-04:00

“I’m sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves”

MERIDEN, CT (04-02-2023) - This winter the Sisters at the motherhouse adopted a lamb that had been abandoned, and they became attached to Ruth right away. Ruth is helping the Community enter into Holy Week by being an example of “meekness, innocence, dedication, tenderness.” In these days leading up to Easter we are reflecting on Pope Francis’s address on February 15. The Holy Father exhorts us to live as apostles and missionaries who were sent as lambs among wolves. Ruth joined in the Palm Sunday procession and exemplified the qualities Pope Francis encourages us to develop. “[Jesus] says this: 'I send you out as sheep among wolves' (v. 16). He does not ask us to be able to face the wolves, that is, to be able to argue, to offer counter arguments, and to defend ourselves. No, no… Be humble. He asks us to be like this, to be meek and with the will to be innocent, to be disposed to sacrifice; this is what the lamb represents: meekness, innocence, dedication, tenderness.” Pope Francis

“I’m sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves”2023-04-11T11:05:43-04:00

Sister Mary Christa Tumanon professes first vows

MERIDEN, CT (02-12-2023) - Sister Mary Christa Tumanon took a next step in her formation process as she professed first vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in the presence of the motherhouse community during Mass in the Chapel of St. John. Mother Miriam Seiferman, FSE, Mother General, received Sister's vows. Sister Mary Christa's request for vows expressed sincerity and purity of motive to live the vows in community. Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE,  Co-foundress, and Sister Maria Sena, FSE, formator, were the official witnesses. Father Christopher O'Connor, LC, celebrated the Mass and blessed the cincture of three knots and FSE medal before they were presented to Sister Mary Christa by Mother Barbara Johnson, FSE, Vicar General. Mother Miriam, Mother Barbara, Mother Shaun and Father O'Connor gave Sister Mary Christa special blessings after which the Community of Sisters and Brothers sang the Blessing of St. Francis for her. Click on photos to enlarge.

Sister Mary Christa Tumanon professes first vows2023-02-17T15:12:26-05:00

Pope Benedict XVI: Gift to the Church

In union of prayer with the entire Church, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist acknowledge with gratitude the tremendous gift Pope Benedict XVI was to the Church. His clarity of thought, his ability to express deep theological truths in simple and creative language, his steadfast faith and leadership, his fatherly care  and his prayerful presence were only a few of the gifts he shared for the life of the Church. Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Co-foundress, and the Rome Community - Sister Raffaella Petrini, Sister Judith Zoebelein and Sister Grace Marie Horan - are representing the Franciscan Community at the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI in Rome. The entire Community joins them in spirit to pray for beloved Pope Benedict XVI. In early 2005, the then-Cardinal Ratzinger had agreed graciously to present a spiritual conference for the Community's retreat preceding the General Chapter in July of that year. In April the anticipated conference speaker was elected as the 265th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI. Having to cancel his appearance at the retreat due to his new responsibilities, Pope Benedict XVI instead invited the Community to visit him. From left, Mother Miriam Seiferman, Vicar General, Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Mother General, and Mother Rosemae Pender, Mother Foundress, met with Pope Benedict on September 17, 2005, at his invitation, following the Community's General Chapter in July.

Pope Benedict XVI: Gift to the Church2023-01-06T12:17:33-05:00

Christmas Blessings to You!

The entire Community of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist wishes you a joyful and blessed Christmas Season! May St. Francis of Assisi who called Christmas the "feasts of all feasts" be your inspiration to celebrate with joy and festivity the greatest miracle of human history, God becoming man! We pray for all of our families, friends, collaborators and viewers that your hearts may be lifted up by the hope of the Incarnation. Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist Meriden, Connecticut Motherhouse Community Assisi, Italy Boynton Beach, Florida Bridal Veil, Oregon Burlington, Vermont Durham, North Carolina Falls Church, Virginia Jerusalem Lewiston, Maine Lowell, Michigan Pocatello, Idaho Rome, Italy Vancouver, British Columbia

Christmas Blessings to You!2022-12-24T12:49:38-05:00

Praise Be To You! Educating for Laudato Si’

MERIDEN, CT (12-23-2002) - The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist happily invite you to visit our newly-published website, Praise Be To You. The site was developed as part of a generous grant from the Sisters of St. Francis Sacred Heart Charitable Fund, Denver. The focus of the site, the Praise Be To You! Educating for Laudato Si' Initiative, is to share the Franciscan value of respect for all life and for creation in union with Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si' (Praise be to You), On Care for Our Common Home. Caring for creation - land, animals, plants - has been a significant part of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist community life since our beginning. On the website, we share not only four main pillars that underlie our care for creation but also simple, practical educational modules to use with children and adults.

Praise Be To You! Educating for Laudato Si’2022-12-24T12:27:00-05:00

Praying the O Antiphons

The O Antiphons introduce the Magnificat at Vespers (Evening Prayer) each evening from December 17-23. The images used are from the Old Testament and are seen as "heralds" of the coming of Christ. Each antiphon is a plea for Christ to come and bring salvation to the world. The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist are praying each day of the O Antiphons for the most pressing and serious crises affecting the Church and the world. We unite our prayer with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who constantly prays for healing, peace and fraternity for all nations. O Wisdom December 17 O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, you govern all creation with your strong yet tender care. Come and show your people the way to salvation. O Adonai December 18 O sacred Lord of ancient Israel, who showed yourself to Moses in the burning bush, who gave him the holy law on Sinai mountain: come, stretch out your mighty hand to set us free. O Flower of Jesse's Stem December 19 O Flower of Jesse’s stem, you have been raised up as a sign for all peoples; kings stand silent in your presence; the nations bow down in worship before you. Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid. O Key of David December 20 O Key of David, O royal Power of Israel controlling at your will the gate of Heaven: Come, break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death; and lead your captive people into freedom. O [...]

Praying the O Antiphons2022-12-22T13:52:42-05:00

Sister Raffaella Petrini reflects on St. Francis at Vatican ceremony

ROME (12-03-2022) - Sister Raffaella Petrini, FSE, Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State, presented a reflection at the traditional Vatican ceremony of the lighting of the Christmas tree and presentation of the creche. The ceremony was held in Paul VI audience hall. The large tree and creche made of wood are displayed in the center of St. Peter's Square for the public's viewing throughout the Christmas season. Sister Raffaella spoke about St. Francis of Assisi's love of the feast of Christmas, as he called it the "Feast of all feasts." The entire reflection is below. The ceremony of the Inauguration of the Nativity scene and the lighting of the tree can be viewed on the Vatican YouTube channel. Sister Raffaella's reflection:

Sister Raffaella Petrini reflects on St. Francis at Vatican ceremony2022-12-08T10:42:00-05:00

Sister Anne Therese Yuen professes first vows

Sister Anne Therese Yuen pronounces vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in the presence of Mother Miriam Seiferman, Sister Maria Sena and Sister Renee Marek. Brother Leo Maneri, FBE assists with the microphone. MERIDEN, CT (11-24-2022) - Sister Anne Therese Yuen professed first vows in a ceremony during Mass on Thanksgiving Day. Mother Miriam Seiferman, FSE, Mother General, received Sister's vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, affirming her readiness to enter the joys and challenges of vowed life in community. Mother Barbara Johnson, FSE, Vicar General, bestowed the medal of nails in the form of a cross upon Sister Anne Therese and clothed her with the traditional cincture with three knots representing the vows. Sister Maria Sena, FSE, and Sister Renee Marek, FSE were the witnesses. The Reverend Lawrence Symolon of the Archdiocese of Hartford, celebrant of the Mass, blessed the newly professed Sister in the name of the Church and signed the official documents as the Church representative. Click on photos to enlarge and see captions.

Sister Anne Therese Yuen professes first vows2022-11-28T15:31:04-05:00
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