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So far skf@synergicsystems.com has created 49 blog entries.

Mother Shaun and Sister Raffaella accompany Cardinal Filoni in his solemn entrance to the Holy Sepulchre

JERUSALEM (05-10-2022) - Today the Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, made his solemn entrance into the Holy Sepulchre. This event had been postponed several times due to the global pandemic. It is customary for a newly appointed Grand Master to initiate his office by a solemn procession to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre accompanied by episcopal dignitaries. Cardinal Filoni requested Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Co-foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, and Sister Raffaella Petrini, FSE, Secretary General of Vatican City State, to be two of five in his delegation. Cardinal Filoni received Mother Shaun into the Order of the Holy Sepulchre as a Religious Dame on September 19, 2021. Mother Shaun and Sister Raffaella will travel with Cardinal Filoni during the entire Holy Land journey which includes visits to Bethlehem, Beit Sahur, Nazareth and Jordan. Click on photos to enlarge and see captions. Photos courtesy of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and Sister Naomi Zimmermann, FSE.

Mother Shaun and Sister Raffaella accompany Cardinal Filoni in his solemn entrance to the Holy Sepulchre2022-05-12T16:35:08-04:00

Sister Mary Anne Linder, FSE honored by Holy Apostles College and Seminary

MERIDEN, CT (05-07-2022) – Sister Mary Anne Linder, FSE was honored by Holy Apostles College and Seminary at the Sixty-fourth Commencement Exercises held at the college campus in Cromwell, Connecticut, as she received the Service Award for her 24 years as a faculty member. In absentia, Sister Mary Elizabeth Endee, FSE, received the Service Award plaque for Sister Mary Anne. The citation from Holy Apostles College and Seminary was read as follows: Sister Mary Anne Linder, F.S.E. Born in Iowa to the late George and Louise Linder, Sister Mary Anne Linder is the oldest child of 7 siblings. Growing up on a large farm, she became accustomed to sharing in the family chores of both gardening and animal husbandry. All of these skills would become quite valuable as she entered the Pontifical religious order of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist (F.S.E.); she continues to live the F.S.E. mission “to restore the sense of the sacred” in their community in Meriden, CT. Sr. Mary Anne is currently pledged with supporting the education of the F.S.E. novices and postulants. Sr. Mary Anne earned her B.A. degree from Mundelein College. She furthered her education with earning her M.Ed. from Wayne State University and an M.T.S. from the John Paul II Institute, Washington, DC. As a life-long learner, she continued to pursue additional theology courses at Holy Apostles College and Seminary (HACS). Prior to joining the faculty at Holy Apostles, Sr. Mary Anne was the Director of the Curtis Home for the Aged and had various roles in health care, as a Certified Home Health Aide for the aged, including with Franciscan Home Care and West Hill Convalescent Home. Sr. Mary [...]

Sister Mary Anne Linder, FSE honored by Holy Apostles College and Seminary2022-05-14T07:59:13-04:00

Sister Grace Marie Horan granted Doctor of Ministry degree

Sister Grace Marie Horan, FSE on the day of her final vows in 2017. ROME (04-20-2022) - Sister Grace Marie Horan, FSE, of the FSE Rome center, joyfully received the announcement that she successfully passed her oral defense of her doctoral treatise and is granted the degree of Doctor of Ministry from The Catholic University of America. The defense was held via teleconference  with several Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist around the world attending. Sister Grace Marie has been an official of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue since February 2021. Prior to living in Rome, she was missioned to the FSE center in Bridal Veil, Oregon. Her doctoral treatise, Incorporating Dr. Montessori's Catholic Vision within a Religiously Diverse Catholic School, was based on a project in ministry, a faith formation program for staff at the Franciscan Montessori Earth School in Portland. The program sought to demonstrate the deep connection between Montessori pedagogy and the Catholic faith, and how this connection can inform a school's Catholic identity in a context of dialogue with non-Catholics. Explaining the significance of her work, Sister Grace Marie commented, "The topic is significant for Catholic schools because it addresses a burning issue of re-vitalizing Catholic identity as our society becomes more plural and less religious. Our society needs Catholic schools to keep alive our vision of the transcendent dimension of human nature, and the love that God shares with us through his Son Jesus Christ, while engaging in relationships of dialogue and esteem with those of other or no religious traditions. Many of the project's themes are also found in the recent document from the Vatican, 'The Identity of [...]

Sister Grace Marie Horan granted Doctor of Ministry degree2022-04-21T11:39:54-04:00

Celebrating Holy Week and Easter

MERIDEN, CT (April 9-17, 2022 Holy Week) - In union with the Church throughout the world, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist community of Sisters, Brothers and lay associates celebrate the days of Holy Week with intensity and richness of ritual. The Motherhouse community in Meriden, Connecticut, has taken for its theme this year "The Power of Silence" referencing Cardinal Robert Sarah's book by that title. Franciscan Apprentices who have studied the book are presenting a brief reflection each day related to the liturgy of the day, emphasizing the need for and the fruits of interior silence as a way of deepening our encounter with God. In the foyer of the chapel, a changing, artistic composition of roots and mirrors expresses the theme of silent reflection as a means of touching the root of our relationship with God. Palm Sunday Click on photos to enlarge. Tuesday of Holy Week - Good Friday Click on photos to enlarge. Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday Click on photos to enlarge. [...]

Celebrating Holy Week and Easter2022-04-19T10:00:16-04:00

Marigold Rocero received into novitiate

MERIDEN, CT (03-13-2022) - Marigold Rocero smiled delightedly when Mother Miriam Seiferman, FSE, Mother General, announced that Marigold's religious name would be Sister Josina Marie. At a private Community ceremony in the Chapel of St. John, Marigold was received into the novitiate of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist by Mother Miriam. As a sign of entering a life-changing choice and mission, it is customary for the new Sister to receive a religious name as well as the religious habit and veil of the Community. Mother Miriam shared that "Marie" expresses Sister's devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and alludes to her birth name, Marigold. "Josina" expresses qualities of St. Joseph reflected in Sister's life in Community - obedience, "behind the scenes" acts of charity, willingness to sacrifice for others without calling attention to herself. Mother Miriam explained that "Josina" also refers to Mother Josina Roth, the oldest Sister in the founding group who transferred to the newly-formed Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist from the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in 1973. Mother Josina had been the Assistant Mother General for 18 years and served many years as education supervisor in the former Community. Mother Miriam asked Mother Shaun Vergauwen, Co-foundress, to share more about Mother Josina for those who had not known her. Sister Josina Marie was born and raised in Ampayan Butuan City, Philippines, the daughter of Salvador and Myrna Rocero. She studied for two years at Southwestern University in Cebu City and completed her bachelor of science degree in nursing from Benedicto College in Mandaue City. She worked for four years at Daniel Mercado Medical Center in the hemodialysis and intensive care units. In 2011 [...]

Marigold Rocero received into novitiate2022-03-14T15:49:42-04:00

May you have a holy journey through Lent

Brother Leo Maneri, Franciscan Brother of the Eucharist, and Sister Patricia Glass, Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist, on Ash Wednesday 2010! They are still smiling and looking forward to a holy Lent in 2022! Pope Francis reminds us all of the meaning of receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday in his homily: The ashes bespeak the emptiness hiding behind the frenetic quest for worldly rewards. They remind us that worldliness is like the dust that is carried away by a slight gust of wind. Sisters and brothers, we are not in this world to chase the wind; our hearts thirst for eternity. Lent is the time granted us by the Lord to be renewed, to nurture our interior life and to journey towards Easter, towards the things that do not pass away, towards the reward we are to receive from the Father. Lent is also a journey of healing. Not to be changed overnight, but to live each day with a renewed spirit, a different “style”. Prayer, charity and fasting are aids to this. Purified by the Lenten ashes, purified of the hypocrisy of appearances, they become even more powerful and restore us to a living relationship with God, our brothers and sisters, and ourselves. - Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis, Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022, Basilica of Santa Sabina, read by Cardinal Parolin Also for our reflection is the prayer intention of Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE, Co-foundress, for Lent: "May our interior journey of Lent bring a deeper relationship to Christ and an increase of love and peace in our world."

May you have a holy journey through Lent2022-03-02T16:42:10-05:00

Sister Raffaella Petrini speaks at Vatican Christmas tree lighting

ROME (12-10-2021) - The traditional lighting of the Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square and the blessing of the Nativity scene was held on December 10 during an evening ceremony in the Vatican's audience hall. Sister Raffaella Petrini, FSE, Secretary General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State, gave the closing remarks, acknowledging the masterful artistic work of the Peruvian artists who created the Nativity scene, and those who made it possible to erect the 91' spruce tree from Andalo, Italy, for this year's Vatican Christmas tree. The ceremony included colorful videos of children from the Huancavelica Region of Peru reenacting the nativity of Jesus in lively song and dance, and sending greetings to Pope Francis. A video from Andalo depicted the mountainous terrain of the region and breathtaking views of the town and surrounding areas. Sister Raffaella was appointed by Pope Francis on November 4 as Secretary General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State. It is a Vatican tradition that the officials of Vatican City State preside over the annual tree lighting ceremony. Click on photos to enlarge.

Sister Raffaella Petrini speaks at Vatican Christmas tree lighting2021-12-13T10:54:35-05:00

Sister Raffaella Petrini to participate in Vatican Christmas tree lighting

ROME (12-09-2021) - As Secretary General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State, Sister Raffaella Petrini, FSE, will preside with Archbishop Fernando Vergez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of the Vatican City State, over the traditional lighting of the Christmas tree and presentation of the Nativity scene in St. Peter's Square on December 10, at 5:00 p.m. Rome time. Sister Raffaella will present words of greeting during the ceremony. Delegations from the places of origin of the tree and the Nativity scene will be present. The tree comes from Andalo in northern Italy. The Nativity figures are from the Huancavelica Region of Peru. The display will remain in St. Peter's Square until the end of the Christmas season. Watch the ceremony on the Vatican YouTube channel.

Sister Raffaella Petrini to participate in Vatican Christmas tree lighting2021-12-09T16:54:16-05:00
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